Welcome to our blog of Everton Hawk Youth Football Club. This blog is created for our team players, fans and supporters. When you visit this blog, do remember to write a line or two at our posts. You could also visit us at our training site. Have a great day.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

the Team is taking shape

With the tournament drawing near, the training intensified. The committed players came again on 28.8.10 for another round of training. This time around, they came in full gear as instructed by their coaches. Thanks guys for obeying the instructions. You guys showed commitment and great character.

We have 4 new players joining our team and they are Isaac (16y.o), Adrian (13y.o), John Lim (11y.o) and Aaron (10y.o). They came for the training and they gave their best. This is the kind of people we want to have in our team. We want people who are committed and willing to give their very best. 
After the usual warm-up exercises, we had the drill followed by a short game. We divided ourselves into Team Ace and Team Best to continue to practice on the system taught by Coach Kuw Fou. It was tough having to discipline ourselves to play by a system but it was worth it. 
Our team is taking shape. We are becoming more and more like a team. Our boys showed commitment and they really gave their best. Bravo eHawk and Be the Best!

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