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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Training with Coach Wong Kuw Fou

Coach Wong Kuw Fou was a former national player who played alongside the greats like Dato' Soh Chin Aun, Santokh Singh, the late Mokhtar Dahari and Arumugam in the 1970s and 80s of the glory days of Malaysian football.

Date: 21.8.10. It was an honor for me to meet Coach Wong. His training style is totally different as he focuses more on defensive tactics as I noticed. He gave us a few drills, for example, heading the ball, passing in a triangular shape, controlling the ball and last but not least shooting.

On the other hand, he is also very efficient and disciplined and does not like people to come in late for training. He told us that the team should come in 15 minutes earlier. Why? Because we need to do our own warm up first before the actual training starts.

With Coach Wong and our qualified coaches training us, I am sure eHawk will excel in the game and be ready for the tournament in no time.

Reported by,
Jason Tan.

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